Bringing you Pets to Panama

If you are a pet owner thinking about relocating to Panama, you might be wondering if it is possible to relocate your animal without using a costly service.
While there are plenty of companies that provide these services in Panama, Canada, and the U.S., and can help ensure a smooth transition for your furry family members, relocating your pets to Panama can be done without using an animal relocation service. There are still some hard cost that will need to be paid, along with some paperwork that pet owners will need to take on themselves. Here are the steps to relocating your cats and dogs to Panama.
1. Get your pet up to date on their Vaccinations
To enter Panama your dog or cat needs proof of current rabies vaccination. If you are traveling with puppies under 3 months this may be an issue as, dogs and cats should not be vaccinated for rabies before 3 months of age.
Dogs should also be vaccinated against Distemper, Hapatitis, Leptospirosis and Parvovirus. Cats should be vaccinated against Viral Rinotraqueitis, Calcivirus and Panleucopenia. internal/external parasite treatment.
2. Visit the Consulate of Panama
During this visit you will need to get an International Heath Certificate it should be completed by your vet and then authenticated by the consular. You will also need a Domestic Quarantine Form. These should be sent to
Once these documents are received, the Panamanian government will confirm your date of arrival and ensure that an officer is there to receive your pet.
3. Arriving in Panama
"When we arrived in Panama there was an officer waiting to inspect our one-year-old golden Retriever Annie." Explained Jamie, Coronado Pet Sitter Client. "He was friendly and the process took about 2 hours."
4. Payment for Domestic Quarantine
In Panama you can pay for Domestic Quarantine, this means your loved one can come home with you instead of being stuck in a government facility. The cost is $130.00 USD.
- According to the Consulate of Panama in Toronto the Health Department in the International Airport of Panama Tocumen Airport is only open from 8:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. Monday to Friday, so if you flight does not arrive within these hours it is important you speak with an official from Tocumen to secure an appointment with the necessary authorities.
- The health Certificate must be from A USDA (or CFIA) accredited veterinarian if traveling from the United States or Canada. If you are not traveling from either of these countries, the Governing Authority of your country responsible for the import and export of animals should endorse the forms.
- Pet owners should file for home quarantine to the airport a minimum of 3 days prior to arrival to avoid 14 days of quarantine in a government facility. Pets will be subject to 4 months of home quarantine.
This information was provided by Coronado Pet Sitters | 6652-6720 . A full-service Animal Hotel in Coronado, Panama that offers personalize in-house care for your furry family in Panama.
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