Calling All Photographers!

The Coronado Photography Club upcoming meeting.

The Coronado Photography Club is holding a General Meeting that is open to all, on Friday June 15th at Nazca 21, starting at 4pm. The club is interested in being a meeting point for amateur and professional photographers and artists who are using photography as a medium. The goal of the club is to share ideas,  partake in photography based events and evolve creatively through the medium of photography.

Meeting Agenda is as follows:

Club Business
- Projector
- Frames
- Upcoming members exhibition

- Who are you
- What are you using to shoot with
- What software you are using
- Pros and cons of your equipment / software
- Issues you might be having

Photographic Presentation

Lee Perkins has been playing with shooting the night sky and will share his images and tell us what he is learning about the technique.

Chorrillo Photos 

People who have been on the Chorrillo trip will show some of the photos and tell us the stories behind them.

If you are interested in joining the Coronado Photography Club and cannot attend the meeting, please send an e-mail expressing interest to: