Sinaproc issues ’Red Flag Alert’ for beaches

The National System of Civil Protection raised red and yellow flags for different rivers and beaches throughout the country Sunday, January 14th 2017.
A red flag represents a level of danger, and when a red flag is issued Sinaproc asks that population not enter the water. A yellow means enter with caution whereas green indicates safe swimming. However, it is always best to take caution when swimming in the ocean as riptides and currents are unpredictable.
The warning will last until Wednesday, Jan 17th cautioning waves of five to seven feet at intervals of 5-9 seconds for Panama’s Atlantic and Pacific coasts.
Sinaproc asks that boaters and bathers take extra caution over the next days, and check their website for more information on specific beach locations.
Currently, Pacific Beaches like Coronado, Gorgona, El Palmar, Santa Clara are not affected (green flag), with Farallon, Punta Barco and Punta Chame with a yellow flag warning.
For more information, weather warnings, and tide alerts visit