A request to the Mayor of San Miguelito to support the sterilization of pets

Spay Panama Foundation is collecting signatures to request that the mayor of the district of San Miguelito, Gerald Cumberbatch, to support the sterilization of about 5 thousand dogs and cats.
Patricia Chan, president of Spay Panama explained that they want to get the support of Cumbertatch in order to resolve the mistreatment of animals due their large amount. Chan added that the last time they did a clinic was in April 2016. Because they did not receive support for the authorities in San Miguelito they were unable to have a clinic last year.
The Foundation foresees that it would be necessary to sterilize approximately 5 thousand dogs and cats to be able to cut the chain of procreation in order to reduce the number of these animals in the streets.
Chan said that for this program to be successful, it requires the participation of local authorities, residents, rescuers and their caregivers of these animals.
100% money donated to Spay Panama goes towards animal welfare, keeping dogs and cats from dying on the streets due to starvation, exposure, diseases and automobile accidents.
Spay Panama puts out a calendar every year to help raise funds for local clinics, you can purchase your calendar in the beach area at Mailbox Etc. And Coronado Frame & Foto.
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