Restaurant robberies in Coclé

The public ministry and national police have reported the popular restaurant, Los Camisones, located on the Interamerican highway in Cocle, was robbed Monday on November 6th.
According to the preliminary investigations while the robbery was violent nobody was seriously injured. The owners and employees of the restaurant were intimidated, assaulted, gagged and robbed of their belongings during closing.
The security guard was disarmed, and the thieves gained access to the owner’s residence which is also on the premises of the restaurant.
"The forensic tests and respective inspections will be carried out in order to collect indications that lead to the identification of the suspects," the Public Prosecutor said.
Another robbery took place at El Galleon in Santa Clara.
Rob Brown, President/Founder of The Panama Helpline spoke at a police/community meeting held at The Decameron, November 8. The meeting was to discuss the recent violent attacks on Coclé area restaurants.
One idea Rob spoke about was the installation of solar-powered lights and video cameras at key intersections, main roads leading into the beach communities and on the beaches themselves.
Thugs think twice if they know their images are going to be captured on tape and capturing license plates could give police a starting point for an investigation.
The suggestion was well received and the Tourist Police promised to follow up with The Panama Helpline.
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