Rotary answers defibrillator questions

After announcing the defibrillator project on Playa Community questions arose from the Community, like, "where are the defibrillator located" and "do staff know about them"?

 The Rotary Club of Playa Coronado is not only working to answer these questions, but also provide sustainable solutions to problems the community encounters. 

Frequently Asked Questions about the defibrillator

Are the defibrillators visible?
Rotary has been working jointly Neighbors Helping Neighbors (NHN) to ensure the wall mounted defibrillator and mounted visually prominent places in the Rey markets.

Are the staff trained on the defibrillator?
Significant store staff training on their use has already been conducted. However, Rotary and NHN will be conducting a new round of training for the El Rey staff. A sign in Spanish will be installed to help bridge the language gap.

Will other El Rey locations have a defibrillator?
One was installed in the El Rey in El Valle earlier this week, and there will one available in Penenome. So there will be three locations total.

Exactly where is the defibrillator located?
The unit is located in the Pharmacy area in the El Rey. In the Coronado Rey it is now mounted to a wall, behind a counter, and in the El Valle Rey, it is on the counter, front left side. They are now readily available for public use. A description of the location where it will be mounted in the Rey in Penenome will be coming soon.

More info on the automatic defibrillator units & final note from Rotary
- The boxes are unlocked, so there is no need to hunt for a key.
- and the doors are alarmed, to help prevent theft.
- units are equipped with easy to read universal signs for Spanish & English users.

It has been reported that there are still some issues remaining, but we think that the majority of problems have been overcome and that having defibrillators available is still a great benefit to the community. This is what working together as a community looks like!