Join Panama's Coastal Cleanup 2017

Saturday, September 16th, Panama's coastal communities will come together once again for one of the biggest national & international efforts to clean up beaches, rivers, and lakes around the world! Locally the event is coordinated by Libre de Basura, and it aims to clean up the beaches of Coronado & Gorgona. 

The beach cleanup crew for Coronado will be meeting at 8:00 a.m. at the guard gate for the Coronado Bay, near the public access to the beach. 

The beach cleanup crew for Gorgona will be meeting on the beach in front of the Bahia development, at the Tiki Bar, also at 8:00 a.m. 

If you plan to join the cleanup, good items to bring along include gloves, water, sunblock and close-toe shoes. If you are unable to join the event but want to partake in upcoming cleanups in Coronado Panama area, follow Libre de Basura on facebook.