Flu Season Facts
The Panamanian government has reported that as of Monday June 13th, 18 people have died from complications caused by influenza and there have been 607 patients admitted with acute respiratory infections, 220 of which have been discharged. However just 35% of these cases were related to the AH1N1 strain of the flu.
Nestor Sosa, director general of the Gorgas Memorial Institute, said that 15 of the 18 fatalities involved people who were at risk and while the number of patients with serious cases was unusual, the number of patients was “normal”. For that reason Sosa said this should not be considered an epidemic.
La Estrella reported this morning that rumors via video and message have been circulating on social media regarding AH1N1. Many of the various stories being shared that lack official sources and only create panic and anxiety. Estrella reported that at this time what the country really needs is verified information.
For some it might be concerning to see the medical centers packed with people suffering from flu symptoms, but the flu that is currently circulating in the country is actually normal. Various strains of influenza affect Panama every rainy season. In 2010, Gladys Gerrero, epidemiologist at the Office of Social Security explained that the seasonal flu affecting Panamanians is similar each year, peaking by late May continuing until mid-August, according to historical data. It is clear that the disease is related to the rainy season.
The best way to protect against the flu is to follow preventive measures.
The Ministry of Health asks that the populations follows these precautions:
1) Wash your hands frequently with soap and water
2) Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing
3) Avoid unnecessary contact, such as kissing and greeting handshake
4) If you develop symptoms such as high fever and respiratory symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, runny nose, seek medical attention
5) Faced with warning signs such as: difficulty breathing, persistent vomiting, convulsions or marked weakness go immediately to the nearest health facility
6) If you are sick to avoid places of high concentrations of people
7) If you are sick do not visit patients in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes or prisons
8) Students and educators should not attend school if they are sick