Residents meet with ATTT about the Coronado intersection

Coronado Residents Association held a meeting with Mr. Juan Carlos Arango, Deputy and Chairman of the Infrastructure Committee of the National Assembly, and Mr. Orestes del Rio from ATTT, Chorrera agency to discuss the Coronado intersection.

Over the past few years, since the area has developed, there have been several fatal accidents at the intersection.

In this meeting the Coronado residents ask for the construction of an elevated bridge to go in an out from Coronado in order to counteract the problems with the traffic in this area.

At that meeting it was agreed to place cat eyes and speed reduction signs in the area near to Coronado entrance and also the installation of plastic barriers to prevent U-turns as an immediate action to caution drivers to slow down.

The director of the ATTT committed to assign two transit police units every weekend to control the vehicles coming from Punta Barco to Coronado and those making illgeal u-turns in Coronado.