Funds Raised for Panama Orphanage

The Charity Expat Social group in Panama had their fund raising dinner at Rino’s Restaurant in Panama city. The group raised $650 in funds and lots of supplies for their needs list to benefit the Malambo Orphanage. The event sponsor GSL Real Estate, paid for all the food expenses, and Rino went out of his way but on a grand buffet that exceeded the cost paid.   Charity Expat Socials has regular fund raising events to support their causes. Stay tuned for updates from this great organization.

This sent by fax from  Sister Lourdes, thanking the participants for funds raised: "Receive a warm greeting and our deepest gratitude for your help and concern towards our boys and girls of the orphanage.  The economic help we received last night has been significant and has a lot of value for the activities of the children during these times of vacation.God bless Lynda for arranging the events to raise the money, together with all of your generous friends who kindly respond with their donations. Thank you all for having such big and generous hearts, and for helping the ones who do not have anything.  We wish you all the happiness for the good work you do and say our prayers for all who are so generous."