Spay Panama Clinic in Punta Chame

Spay Panama will be spaying at low cost ($10 per dog and $5 per cat) at the Junta Comunal in Punta Chame this Saturday and Sunday from 8am to mid-day. Drop-ins welcome. If you know someone who is in need of these services please help spread the word.
Spay Panama is an organization with a sustainable approach to solving the over-population problem of dogs and cats. By providing low cost sterilizations, Spay Panama helps low-income owners with the cost of the operation while promoting responsible animal ownership and education. The organization was started in Panama, by Patricia (Pat) Chan in 2001. Pat told us, when they started in 2001, they had two vets who agreed to do low cost operations and they began by doing spays and neuters on Sundays at a clinic that was on loan.
In October 2015 Spay Panama reached spay number 100,000! Celebrate with them pick up a copy of the 2016 calendar on sale for $5 at Picasso and Vets in Coronado.
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