PCF Teaching Values and Leadership Through Football

The Panama Christian Foundation (PCF), are a group of business people who operate from Christian principals. The core of their operation is to lead by example. It is by these principals, that the PCF has created a futbol (soccer) team that has been participating in Chame District of Panama at the official league level.The foundation runs soccer camps 4 days a week in Coronado and Bejuco for boys and girls aged 3 - 15. “Our membership is open to all”, says Francisco Oñate the sports coordinator and managing director of PCF. “We have different levels of culture, social economic levels and people from all walks of life coming together to play.”

Kids learn agility drills, conditioning skills, technical skills and engage in soccer matches at the PCF schools. Players are selected to form different category teams to play in league matches run by PanDeportes. Currently PCF has teams in the Chame district which is in the Province of Panama Oeste.

PCF uses soccer as a platform to mentor values and leadership into young lives. Many kids don’t have a father figure in the house. “We try and install a sense of family and belonging in these kids. They learn things like how to show up on time, how to be responsible, be a team player and how to work with others”, says Francisco. “We call it success training”.

"Our discipline and professionalism is visible in our teams. Last year the league asked us to put a team together to fill an empty spot in the provincial tournament, mainly because they are impressed with our leadership and the quality or our team attitude."

"We can and want to improve the lives of these kids. Many come from bad situations. We want to keep them off the streets and out of a life of drugs by showing them they can belong to something worthwhile”.

“Parents and kids see us practicing, and want to be part of what we are doing. We give presentations in schools and give out flyers in local neighborhoods."

"Players are not required to be Christian. People will see who we are and how we are and by our example will decide how they want to relate to us."

The school has a registration fee of $15 and then $20 a month. Kids who cannot pay, can qualify for a scholarship depending on how they are doing in school, and /or generally being good citizens. All proceeds go towards supporting the program.   PCF is also looking for donors to sponsor kids into the program.

"Right now we are selecting players for our 15 and under team and play begins in March. Practices are at Equestrian Club Saturday early morning from 9 – 11 am, Monday 4 – 6pm and Wednesday  4 -6pm. In Bejuco, at the sports complex (right behind store with the colorful pottery) practices are on Tuesday 4 – 6pm and Sunday 9 – 11am."

“To inquire about joining the school, parents or kids can come to the practice and talk to one of the coaches, or come to our office on the 1st Floor of Matchetazo plaza, above MultiBank."

PCF is also looking for coaches and assistants to help with training and organizing equipment. Volunteers are welcome.

Our biggest focus right now is fund raising. We have a Raspa Y Ayuda (Scratch & Help) program going on right now, where people can scratch off a donation amount to win discounts to local Coronado businesses, like restaurants and dry cleaners. You can participate in the program for discount coupons at any one of these locations

- Presto Dry Cleaners Coronado
- La Cosita - Coronado
- Playacommunity Office - Coronado
- Spa Salus per Aquam Panama
- Cholos Restaurant - Las Lahas
- La Ruina Restaurant - Gorgona
-    Cafe Viana - Coronado
-    Punto G Computers - Coronado

For more information about the team, upcoming games and PCF’s mission, visit www.facebook.com/fcpcf or email  admin@pcfpanama.org.