Need an Economic Reason to Leave the USA


newsnviews2.jpg(  Introduction – Here are some reasons to leave the USA if you are looking for some.

Housing – The USA has just revised foreclosure projections expecting over 2,000,000 foreclosures this year. At the midway point of 2008 they were already at 1.4 million foreclosures and going strong. Foreclosures tend to breed more foreclosures since they cause real estate values to drop and then the homeowners are less likely to struggle to keep their homes since the equity has evaporated and renting a house of the same size can be much cheaper.

Unemployment – There are over 3 million people collecting unemployment insurance. There are many more who have collected unemployment insurance and their claims have run out. They are still unemployed but they do not show on the unemployment rolls anymore.


Homelessness – The last study on the amount of homeless people was for 2005 and the count was 744,000. With foreclosure rates so high and unemployment so bad I would say the rate has gone up at least by three fold, a doubling would be conservative. The Detroit area in a recent study came up with 15,000 to 20,000 homeless people and they are just one major city.

Cost of Living – Between 2000 and 2007 median household income dropped $1175 after being adjusted for inflation. The average family is spending $4655 more on basics like food, gas, health care or health insurance. Commuting costs have gone up an additional $2195 for families compared to costs in 2000. Things are not good.


No Health Insurance – It is estimated that 50 million people have no health insurance coverage. In 2005 the amount of people without any health insurance coverage was 47 million people so the 50 million estimate may be low.


Cost of Living Index – The Consumer Price Index rose 5.6% from June of 2007 to June of 2008. That is a lot considering all of the other poor economic indicators.


National Debt – The national debt is now at 9.2 trillion dollars, 9,200,000,000,000. This equates to $79,000 for each USA taxpayer and there are 117,000,000 taxpayers. Did you know that each taxpayer owes $79,000 in addition to their other debts? With all the unemployed, homeless families, people without health insurance, people on welfare, people on disability, people in prison (the USA leads the world in incarceration rates) it would take nothing short of a wonder to ever get this debt repaid but of course they could water down the currency to the point where a loaf of bread costs $35.00 and then repayment would be easy since they would be paying back the loan with much cheaper dollars.


Will Things Get Better – Sure if companies stop outsourcing labor offshore and move back to the USA and absorb the much higher costs. . If companies move their manufacturing operations back into the USA at greatly increased costs. If taxes decrease. If heath care costs drop. If there are more jobs. If governments downsize. We could go on and on. You know the answer. When was the last time you ever saw things get better in the USA?


Options – Cash out now. We have some great places to live in Panama and Guatemala where your lifestyle will improve and you will live safer and cheaper with better food, healthcare and lower crime rates.