Keeping Our Beaches Clean: The PlayaCommunity Cleanup

As part of Panama’s Ocean Month, communities throughout the country came together to clean up some of Panama’s most visited beaches. Over 50 beaches were cleaned on September 7 in conjunction with the 2014 National Beach Cleanup up. Some of the beaches along the Pacific coast visited included, Punta Chame, El Palmar, Punta Barco and Coronado. PlayaCommunity coordinated the Coronado clean up, and with a lot of help from the community we cleaned a large stretch of the Coronado Beach, as well as a portion of Calle Punta Prieta. With supplies provided by Limpieza de las Playas Panama, we took to the beach at 8:00 a.m. Leaving from the Coronado Beach Club, we set off to Playa Serena Coronado walking the shoreline where most of the garbage had accumulated. At each public entrance a team of community members branched off cleaning up any garbage along the path. It was a very successful day. With over 25 beach cleaners in action, we collected over 32 bags of garbage and several large items including: a box spring and several fence posts.  

Many attendees were shocked to see how much garbage was collected, as Coronado boasts a considerably clean beach. Despite this, there was no shortage of trash to be picked up. Items, including fishing nets, scrap metal, various plastics, cans, glass bottles, flip flops and Styrofoam, were all scattered amongst natural build up of coconuts, driftwood and seaweed.

The Students of Panama Coast International School that were in attendance left no rock unturned digging up some large items that had been stuck amongst the rocks for years. The United Country team took to the Serena public access, where garbage accumulates and the public garbage bins often overflow. NorAm construction did some heavy lifting, carrying some of the larger items off the beach. 

There were no shortage of helpers, many from Coronado and some from surrounding areas including Gorgona, Punta Barco and Vista Mar. Beach residents were excited about the cleanup and wanted to extend it to other areas that were in desperate need of cleaning. With this in mind PlayaCommunity will host a bi-monthly community cleanup.

Every two months PlayaCommunity will choose one beach community along the Pacific coast to clean up. The next event will be in November, and will take place in Gorgona. Date to be announced please check the PlayaCommunity events calendar for updates at

PlayaCommunity would like to extend a big thank you to all of those who helped make the Coronado beach community a cleaner place last month. We would like to invite you to join us not only at our next cleanup, but also, to make a difference daily!

Community cleanups are not reserved for a specific time or place, they can happen anywhere, anytime, with 100 people, or with 1. Every cleanup effort makes a difference. Your actions make a difference. So the next time your at the beach, at the office, or just walking down your street, take along a old plastic bag and pick up some trash along the way.