Panama Hospice and Respite Foundation

The Coronado area has quickly become home for many retirees from outside the country.  As in areas such as Panama City and Boquete, where we also have a high concentration of expatriates, these people are aging and require a plan and a system of support for the next phase of their lives.  To this end there is a community initiative to consider forming a local chapter of The Panama Hospice and Respite Foundation (PHRF). PHRF is a non-tax oriented, private interest foundation which provides service free of charge.  Its mission is to assist, using trained volunteers, hospice clients and their caregivers as well as those needing short-term help in crisis situations.  The volunteers work in cooperation with the client's primary caregiver.  While PHRF hopes to extend its services to all members of the community, in this inception phase it only provides service in English.

Additional services provided by PHRF are a Buddy Connection System, a Home Care Equipment Loan Program, a Blood Bank Registry and Seminars on Planning for Healthy Aging.

If you are interested in the initiative and would like to find out more about Panama Hospice and Respite Foundation please visit the website: or contact us at:   

Thank you, Sheila Scott and Peggy Ajax