PRD Party talks with Expats

Ricardo Grajales, the President of the PRD Party that represents Capira, Chame and San Carlos, is inviting Expats to come to Paraiso Restaurant in Las Uvas on Saturday at 6pm for a meeting. The event will offer a special presentation about the PRD party along with a Q and A period where expats are invited to ask questions about the party.   

About the PRD party
Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD): with 506,591 registered members by 31 December 2013 is currently the oldest party in Panama; founded in 1979 by Omar Torrijos, who is recognized by the Torrijos-Carter treaty that gave back the Panama Cannel to the Panamanians. Its presidential candidate is Juan Carlos Navarro and the vice-presidential candidate is former Judge of the Electoral Court Gerardo Solís.