Introducing new artist: Clemente A. Quiros

Clemente A. Quirós was born in Penonomé, Jan 5 1954.  Cel 6703-1050 Clemente  is a watercolorist who learned by himself  after many try s and errors. He used to paint with acrylics back when  he studied in the US in the 70’s. From some years back  he has been painting watercolors which he  learned with books and with the influence of great Penonomé’s fine watercolorist, Carmelo Figueroa.


His work has been collected by some locals and has also been taken across the ocean to Europe. He likes to paint nature scenes where rivers and water falls are central points of interest. He just recently started to paint public scenes of his home town like the market place.
Some of his work can be seeing at Alirios art shop in Penonome, Calle Damian Carles, near the park.