Terrorist Pardon Reversed in Panama

(narcosphere.narconews.com) Panama's Supreme Court reversed 168 presidential pardons given by former president Mireya Moscoso, including that of international terrorist Luis Posada Carriles. Media such as the Miami Herald excell in the use of phrases like "alleged" this and "accused" of that, but fact is that Posada Carriles was convicted of endangering public safety and given a prison sentence.   On the last day of her corruption-ridden administration, Mireya Moscoso pardoned the terrorist and his group, while they were whisked to the airport and out of the country in private jets. Moscoso's first phone call went to the former US ambassador Simon Ferro - a close friend of Hillary Clinton's brother Hugh Rodham - to inform him of the pardons and the terrorists' safe departure from the country. Cuba broke off diplomatic relations with Panama, while Posada Carriles went on a tour of Central America to finally make it illegally into the US through Mexico.  

Ironically, the pardons were challenged before the Supreme Court by former Attorney General Jose Antonio Sossa who had earlier controlled a sloppy prosecution of the Posada terrorist group, with evidence gone missing and the most severe charges being dropped.

The Supreme Court verdict returns all 168 cases to their original state. That means that Posada Carriles is still a convicted man who has to serve a prison term in Panama.

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