PCF Begins Work in the Coronado Corridor

Since April of this year, people in the Chame–Coronado corridor have started to take notice of some of the activities of ‘PCF’ or THE PANAMA CHRISTIAN FOUNDATION. PCF is a private foundation based in a humble office in Chame which has been very active in supporting a variety of youth and community programs in the area.  It works through the local schools, organized sports activities and local community outreach programs which are all designed to accomplish the PCF mission: ‘to share God’s blessings’ with those in need. Giovanna ‘Gio’ Arauz is the public relations director and she explains, “The idea of PCF is to share God’s love in various ways with the community.  When we can have a positive impact on improving the quality of life or solving some problem, or bringing some level of joy and satisfaction, we use the opportunity to introduce the word of God and give him the glory for all that is good.  Ultimately, our objective is to work to help build the kingdom of God based on biblical principles and to bring people the peace and confidence that comes with a relationship with God through Jesus. “

PCF has worked with a local orphanage in Gorgona providing the kids with various opportunities to learn, enjoy life and build a better life for themselves.  This program has been extended to the ‘Casa Hogar de ninas’ in Penonome working with orphaned little girls and single moms.

Public schools in El Espave and Filipina have been working with PCF staff where the kids learn songs, have fun activities and learn biblical messages through the process.  Filipina is a remote, poor, mountain community up near Altos del Maria which is only accessible by horse or 4x4.   Through this contact PCF has interacted with the families and delivered donated clothes to the families and even found emergency medical help for a 103 year old woman who was a shut-in.  Gio says that ‘reaching the community in such a way and being able to share is very rewarding’.

Gio says that “one of the most important things we want to focus on is building a directory of resources and other like minded groups, foundations, missions and churches so that we have a ready resource and communication channel to share needs and resources alike.   Working together in the service to humanity should be a paramount goal for all of us.  We’d like to hear from any group in Panama or beyond which would like to be a part of this effort”

The pride of PCF are the sports activities it sponsors.  PCF is currently managing and administering activities in the Bejuco Community Sports Complex.  It sponsors two Division III ‘futbol’ teams from Bejuco, one of which is advancing in the national  tournament for the Copa Romel Fernandez for the national ‘ascenso’ having won the league championship in Bejuco and second place in it’s District.   This tournament is just beginning with the first game September 15.  

PCF also sponsors several ‘futbol’ training camps for kids of age brackets ranging from 10 years old to 15 and is helping local organizers build up its baseball facilities.

Finally, PCF has found a nerve in the local community and is addressing a real need.  Employers have a real problem finding qualified and responsible employees.  Local workers are largely not prepared to enter the professional or even the blue collar workplace for various reasons and they have trouble finding appropriate opportunities.  

PCF is bridging this gap by providing local people who want to enter the workforce, or who want to advance their careers, by providing a specialized training program which teaches the basics for an employee to learn to have a successful job hunt and a positive employment experience.  The training is ‘values intensive’ designed to teach the prospective employee how to maximize his value to his boss.  

For the local employers, the PCF Job Training Program provides a single source to find prospective employees who have completed an unusual training program which is designed to help them become a ‘cut above’ the normal Panamanian job applicant.   PCF is actively seeking ‘apprenticeship’ opportunities from local employers to provide on the job training.

This only begins to tell the story.  But by all appearances, PCF is here to make a significant impact in the area, all for the glory of God.  The needs are greater than PCF is able to keep up with.  Anyone interested in lending some expertise, ideas, volunteer time or other resources is welcome to contact PCF to explore possible ideas for collaboration.   

For more information visit the web page at www.pcfpanama.org

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