Cesar Barria Completes his Swim to Taboga Island

Sunday May 19, Panamanian athlete Cesar Barria became the first Panamanian to swim the 19.5 kms from Panama City to Taboga Island.  Barria began competing in ultra distance swimming events after loosing the lower half of his right leg in 2003. Barria’s first swimming challenge came in 2008 when he crossed the Strait of Gibraltar. Over the past five years Barria has taken on several long distance swims in hopes of inspiring other special needs athletes.

Barria completed his most recent swim in 5.5 hours. His swim began at 10:00 a.m., as he departed from the Balboa shipyard in Panama City. Panama Canal Authority, The National System of Civil Protection, The National Air Service and severa private boats travelled along side Barria, protecting him from cruise ships.

Upon his arrival in Taboga Barria expressed his gratitude to his team and supporters. La Prensa reporters asked him how it felt swimming under the bridge of the Americas. Barria responded it was very special to swim amongst the landscape of his country.

Barria finished his swim exhausted. He describes the last 5km as the hardest part. The current was strong, and his team was pushing him hard from the boat.  They told him to swim faster to fight the current so he could reach the island in his goal time.

Barria expressed his feelings of happiness in an interview with La Prensa following the race. When asked what his next move would be, he answered: some rest, after that he will start thinking about his next step.

Information from La Prensa