Raising safety awareness in the Pacific beach area

The Neighborhood Watch of Gorgona is offering some free services to help raise safety awareness in the Pacific beach area. A personal self defense class is set to take place twice a week starting Thursday March 14th at 9:30 a.m. in the Coronado Golf building. A ‘home security & area awareness’ inspection is available by appointment, and a first aid class is coming soon. Neighborhood Watch held a public meeting the morning of Friday march 8th at La Ruina to explain what each service would offer.

Jim Rizik introduced Richard Hamilton who is a 6th degree Taekwondo expert and a certified instructor in Krav Maga, a form of Isreali marshal arts. He has been practicing Krav Maga for 47 years, along with several other self defense techniques.

Richard will be giving free self defense classes which will help those attending to gain a sense of awareness and develop confidence to fight back in a situation where it is required. The class will help develop defensive skills, and work to teach tactics like attacking sensitive area such as eyes, ears, groin etc. Richard spoke to practice as the key ingredient. Once the ‘muscle memory ‘is developed fight will kick in rather than panic.

These classes are free of charge, (2 classes a week) starting Thursday March 14th at 9:30 AM at the Coronado Golf building in the Golf area on the AE (Area Social) floor. If you are interested in attending these classes, contact Richard at: richardhimilton10@gmail.com tel: 6201-6105.


Jim Rizik ex police and Perry Mc Mullin ex U.S. Marine, are offering free home security inspections. Home security starts with you, the use of outside lights, loud noises and gates can make your environment safer.

Jim and Perry spoke to some practices that can help keep you safe at Friday’s meeting. Jim Rizik suggested Alumavent in Gorgona as a reliable alarm company in the area. Sometimes it takes a second pair of eyes to see a security breach, if you are unsure about your home security Jim and Perry can offer their advice.

To make an appointment to have your home surveyed, contact Perry at: pvmmullin@aol.com or call him at 6045-7555.


Perry Mc Mullin is offering his advice on how to put together a proper first aid kit. He will even show you what you need for a ‘Pet first aid kit’. Perry will be giving two classes, date to be announced. These classes with be two hours long and cover the following topics: CPR, rescue breathing, how to identify a heart attack, and more. Contact Perry if you interested in attending these classes, you can reach him at pvmcmullin@aol.com or call 6045-7555.

Again, Neighborhood Watch of Gorgona is offering these classes and consultations free of charge. Donations are accepted.

UPDATE on FIRST AID classes: "As promised, first aid and CPR is on the agenda to be taught. This is a 4 hour class broken down into two 2-hour days. Perry Mcmullin will be instructing this class. First class will be on Monday, March 18, 2013 at 12 noon at Loco's Grill in Gorgona. The second class will be on Wednesday March 20, 2013 at 12 noon. Loco's will be serving a lunch at a reasonable cost. The class is free and donations are gladly accepted. If you miss this class, do not worry, we will have follow up classes in the near future. Donations benefit the Nueva Gorgona Vecinos Vigilantes. Please RSVP to give Loco's a general idea on how much food to make."