Citizens vs. Police Basketball game in Gorgona

A little friendly rivalry took place Friday night, under the stars in Gorgona, as the National Police challenged the Citizens of Gorgona in basketball. The game started despite the fact that the citizens didn’t show up. So the gringo expats suited up and played much of the game before the citizens arrived in time to play the fourth quarter. The music for the game was provided from the trunk of a car that featured a large sound system and blue strobe lights. Frank, the owner of La Ruina Restaurant was the announcer for the game, keeping everyone informed of the score in both Spanish and English. Paul a fellow expat acted as the referee to keep things honest throughout the evening.

Spectators set up lawn chairs on the sidelines creating an impromptu grandstand from which to watch the game. Those without chairs sat on tailgates while nibbling on munchies bought from nearby vendors. Hotdogs, snacks, drinks, and baked goods were sold as a way to raise money for Vecinos Vigilantes, a neighborhood watch program. Over $100 was raised by the end of the night when the last of the hotdogs were given away, instead of throwing them out.

The score was tied up 20-20 at half time, as both sides seemed evenly matched. But despite their great efforts, the police lost to the citizens 34-26. As citizens it’s never a good idea to upset the police since we want them to respond when we need them. And besides, “if we didn’t let the police win they’d be out giving us all tickets tomorrow,” said one player.

This was the second time that the Citizens of Gorgona challenged the National Police to a basketball game, as a way to raise funds. Last year the police won 37-36 on a controversial call when the buzzer sounded adding to the excitement.

The cool breezes of the night air kept the spectators comfortable as they visited with old friends, made some new ones and cheered on the players. It’s nice to see people come together to raise a little money for a good cause.

Jim Rizik is looking for volunteers as the National Police have challenged Gorgona to a game in La Chorrera on March 22, 2013. He is offering rides to about ten players willing to participate. Those interested can contact him at