Owner of Rancho Los Toros Comments on the Robbery - rest closed

Owner of Rancho Los Toros, Joseph Camdon Wilmoth, commented on the robbery of his restaurant last night and updates us on Facebook:

"It is and was Nightmare for us and our Friends and Guests... We all must take more Precautions and we must all update our Security!!!"

"The Chef Andreas Pena is Recovering at the Hospital, He will be OK.. Dangerous loss of blood and Trauma.. We were all Abused and Beaten..They were Robbing and Beating us for over 2 Hours.. We were all Put at Knifepoint and Gunpoint.. This was a Well planned attack, with lookouts and Communication.. Luz and I left the Police Station in Chame at 9:15 this Morning it took over 9 Hours to Process all Reports..."

"The Police found the Stolen Car at 7:00 am in Anton where not was Dumped..."

"I will Post More info as I get it...We as a Community must protect ourselves this could have happened anywhere but it did not it happened to us in San Carlos We must demand from the Police a Response.."

In a personal chat, Joe said, "We must come together as a community to protect ourselves, our families and our buisnessess!!!"