Three weeks ago, three “Have A Heart” friends’ learned about a 4-1/2 year old Panamanian girl from Chiriqui who was born with Cerebral Palsy. Her name is Estrich. She is unable to walk and must be carried by family members everywhere because unfortunately, the family is not able to afford a wheelchair. Herminia, the owner of the El Pamparo Restaurant, a friend of Joyce Moore, told her about Estrich and Joyce told her friends, Marcelina Theresia and Duane Kent. They made a promise to themselves that Estrich would be in a wheelchair by Christmas.  And, they made that promise come true!!! The threesome approached a few of their friends and through the generosity of this small group, Estrich received her wheelchair last Friday and her family received a gift of holiday food.  Together with the wheelchair and the food, the threesome raised enough to help the family pay for gas for the 6 hour drive here and back.


Estrich’s Abuela was so touched and through her tear’s, thanked everyone for their help and support because for the last 4-1/2 years, although the family tried, they have not received any support from anyone or any institution.

This act of kindness by these three friends proves once more how much can be accomplished
by DOING good things not just TALKING about it!!


Child with Ceribral Palsey recieving wheelchair Happy and greatful family thanks to Have A Heart
Have A Heart comes to the rescue