Youth Ministry Thrives in Coronado

Coronado and the West Beach areas have long been known as weekend retreats for City dwellers, tropical relief for snowbirds, and for the last several years, the country of Panama itself has been ranked in the top 5 of global locations for expat retirees. The face of these beach areas is changing, however, with teenagers and younger children part of the landscape. Dan Spence, Pastor of Reliance Panama Church arrived in Panama in October, 2012 with his family and his chocolate Labrador. Coming from Reliance Temecula Church in California, he felt led to address needs in and around Coronado. Pastor Spence quickly formed a Youth Ministry which numbers over 40 members. The group has been meeting on Tuesday evenings from 6 p.m.- 8 p.m. and includes ages 13 to 18 years. Youth travel from as far as Panama City and Buena Ventura and locations in between.


Last Tuesday's group, December 11th was memorable for several reasons. First, Ted Leavenworth, the Pastor from Reliance Temecula, CA participated in leading the group with Pastor Dan. Second, activities on a serious note included several members of the group making personal commitments. On a lighter note, pictures show a game with pairs of teens using shaving cream to make Santas. A White Elephant gift exchange was part of the "fun stuff of the evening.

A third activity the group participated in was a severe windstorm and power outage. Pastor Ted had just begun his lesson when the lights went out. He quickly grabbed his cell phone and Pastor Dan provided auxiliary lighting. Teacher and students all maintained their focus despite many phone calls from worried parents, cars honking and windows blowing open!

Some school teachers have been involved in bringing students to the group, feeling that there is both serious and fun stuff involved. These teachers and others in the area welcome activities for this age group.

The Youth Ministry group will meet again Tuesday Dec 18, 2012, then resume after the holidays on January 8th. All youth now attending the group are encouraged to invite their friends and any Junior or Senior High aged student is welcome. Both expats and Panamanians attend, with translation available. Parents are certainly welcome to observe the group activities.


Sunday Decembeer 22, 2012, Reliance Panama Church will have a Christmas Service with Christmas Carols sung to a guitar background and A Christmas message.

The Panama City Christian Surfers group will be making monthly trips to Sunday services once a month. Other groups are lining up to follow.


Reliance Panama Church meets every Sunday, currently at 10 a.m. Contact the Reliance Church for directions or answers to questions at 6456-6634 or

Visit the Reliance Panama Website for more information at:

A very short video on this website will provide an overview.