Coronado Poker Players with a Heart

About five and a half years ago, a number of gentlemen living in the Coronado area started getting together for a friendly game of poker on a Tuesday night. The game was an opportunity for a bunch guys to get together, have a little fun, drink a few beverages and play some poker. The game is an all boys event, "it gives our wives a break from us guys hanging around all day", says Skip 'I'm-talkin'-flush here' Doeringer, an American retiree, living in Panama for close to 7 years.The game is an invitation-only event, with people coming from all around the area, including El Valle and Chame. "We restrict players to the status of regular, alternate and guest. Alternates have to sign up and we email them if there is an empty chair"."We can accommodate 10 players at our table but usually play with 7 to 9. The buy in is $10 and players can re-buy at $10 or $20. Chips are $.05, $.25 and $1.00. The largest win I can remember was about $145. The biggest loss was about $140."This month, when a local social group, CASA started their yearly drive to raise money to stock Christmas baskets for handicapped children, the poker crew started throwing their change into a collection pot for the cause, at the end of the game. Some players donate their entire night's winnings. So far the group has raised close to $500.   The camaraderie of the group doesn't stop at the Tuesday Poker game. The boys get together to play golf and go fishing, "But never on a Tuesday", says Skip.

If you are new to the area and interested in a friendly game of Texas Hold'em poker, let Skip know. The game goes from 2pm to 8pm every Tuesday. "We are looking for regulars and alternates all the time. Our table is full right now but players are always coming and going. My Email is DON'T CALL, EMAIL ONLY."

Want to know who's playing? Here are some of the regulars:

poker largeGerry "Ace in the hole" Walsh
Dave "Barclay Bank" Philpot
John "It could happen" Heidimann
Ian "Two Fingers" McAdam
Bill "Big Bill" Duquemin
Richard "Richy Rich" Burry
Steve "Fast Bet Faust" Faust
Ted "Tough Ted" Tindall
Mike "Tail Spin" Gaeb
Skip "I'm talkin' flush here" Doeringer
Billy "Bad Bill" Boughner and his dog "Big".
Todd "Pro Boss" McAdam
Mark "Tennessee Toddy" Hurt