Update on the theatre company

PaCT is alive and doing very well. The corporation formation is still underway - it seems our RUK is caught up in the corporation registration fraud scandal in The City - according to the newspapers and our lawyer, tellers at The National Bank were taking the corporate registration fees and issuing fake receipts - and not registering the companies. Now Yasser (Alexis) Williams - who donated his services to register the theatre company - has had to pay the fees again and sue the bank clerks personally to get the fees back. Only in Panama.

Claire Ross has donated her systems and process design expertise to PaCT. As a birthday present to me, she is helping me set up the PaCT business plan, including our Mission Statement and Board of Directors.

Yolanda and I were in Canada for 6 weeks in August/September and brought back 23 boxes of costumes and lighting equipment.

NEXT SHOW: "Dancing With The Dictator, Eh?"(written by yours truly)
We have begun rehearsals for "Dancing with The Dictator, Eh?" a Canadian murder-mystery musical spoof.
Some of you may have seen my Mountie on horseback costume at Halloween.
I have 5 of these mountie costumes and we need four more riders to do a silly Musical Ride - no speaking - no lines to learn.... anyone? Anyone?

Dancing with the Dictator, Eh? opens Friday Dec 14th at The New Woody's Restaurant, right beside the Royal Decameron.
The restaurant is more than twice the size of the old one - and PaCT gets $25 for every ticket sold, which will go towards building our theatre.
This will be a dinner theatre show, targeted to the over 2,000 new Canadian tourists that fly into the Decameron every Monday during the dry season.

As they have a whole new planeload of Canadians every week - we have a whole new audience every week - and are able to do a show every Friday from mid-December through March.

As a Community Theatre Company, the actors and crew are not paid. We are hoping that our donations of time, talent and effort will help raise over $40,000 for PaCT over 18 shows.This will be the initial funding we need to mount a proper capital campaign to build The Arts Centre, a community arts and theatre center that we feel is needed in our community.Thank you to Monique Woods for providing this opportunity.

- Wayne Halliday and I will play Bob and Dick MacKenzie - two crack Newfie detectives
- Yolanda plays Sweet Caroline Poutine.
- Jim McMahon (The Decameron's para-sailing captain) will play Captain A and the Mountie with the Elmer Fudd accent.
- Lise Halliday will do lighting and sound and play the French-Canadian Fur Trapper
- Lynn Melso has signed up for make-up and one of the five Musical Ride Mounties
- Markie Barrens and Fletch has agreed to perform on guitar and bass on stage (performing Stompin' Tom, Neil Young and Leonard Cohen)

- I need someone that can do a Jamaican accent - (black or white skinned - either is great) I have the dreadlocks, Jamaican cap and Ganga-leaf Canadian flag - . It is not a big role but it is fun.
- I also need and a Hockey Player, to joint the Fur Trapper, the Newfie Fisherman and the Mountie in the song "I'm Canadian But I'm Not Gay"
- More singers/performers for the band
- Lastly but by no means least - I need two cuties - one to hold up cue cards and one to play a sexy female mountie (she only has three lines)

Working with other theatre companies
I have met with Boquete Community Player's (BCP) Artistic Director Jim Hatch, and we are collaborating on some ideas for the 2014- 2015 season.
We have discussed PaCT doing a show in Boquete, and for them to come and do a BCP show here. We would need to provide accommodations and food for an estimated 8 - 10 people.
We are exploring the idea of a national new play festival as well.

Future Shows
PaCT is working ion a number of new shows for 2013.
We have discussed with Claire at Picasso Bar + Restaurante: a love-themed Valentines Day murder mystery, a St Patrick's Day Irish show and a Christmas Musical show for next year.

It takes a community to build a theatre
If you or someone you know is interested in supporting this important community project, please contact me.
We are not looking for a hand-out. Talk to us to find out how we can help you increase your business.