The Colon protests to revoke Law 72 spread to Panama City

riotcolon 200x134The Back story

Last week riots broke out in the province Colon when Law 72 was passed. The law would allow for the sale of the lands of the Colon Free Trade zone. While the president stated via twitter that the law would be revoked, rioting has continued. The workers and the leadership of the National Union of Workers in the Construction Industry and Allied (SUNTRACS) labor union has announced their solidarity with those in Colon protesting against Law 72.

Today, Friday 26 October 2012 SUNTRACS have been protesting in various areas of Panama City, Panama. (Panama Guide)

Today, Friday October 26, 2012

The Bridge of the Americas is closed, in both directions.

No busses are leaving Albrook mall.

Several roads are closed or blocked due to protests.

SUNTRACS labor union protesters have looted some stores on Ave Central in Panama City.

Right now the city is pretty hectic, so avoid it if you can. With the president out of the country till tomorrow, and nothing being done to revoke the Law, chances are the chaos will continue throughout the weekend. Road closures could pop up anywhere at any time as several groups continue to show solidarity with Colon.

Don Winner of Panama guide is posting frequently in regards to road closures and developments.

For updates on this matter checkĀ