The Latest News from the Spay the Strays Group

How did many of your friends and neighbors spend last Saturday?  They volunteered to help Dr. Alexis Escruceria and his assistant, Jairo to spay and neuter 45 dogs and cats in Chame.  The Spay the Strays’ loyal group of volunteers cheerfully put up with heat and dirt to ensure better lives for our four legged friends.  Our customers are a mix of expats who have generously provided loving homes for strays or rescues and low income Panamanians who have no other means of sterilizing their pet.  The demand for our service is huge and we are keenly aware that we can only help a small percentage of those in need.  Sadly, we are limited by several factors: money, availability of vets, and availability of medicine.  At the moment, our problem is medicine. A crucial anesthesia is impossible to find throughout Panama due to a product contamination.  The Spay the Strays Group is doing our best to acquire a substitute but clinics will be on hold until one is found.  On another sad note, Spay the Strays will be bidding a fond farewell to Barb Schlottke who has been a mainstay of our Group for several years.  Her dedication to our cause has been instrumental to our success. 

Please take a moment to enjoy the photos shown below.  If you wish to contribute to our cause by donation or volunteering or if you have questions, please email us at  You can also "like" us on our Facebook page, Spay the Strays - Panama.
Mary, Adele, and Barb (Spay the Strays)