2012 - CASA Chili Cook Off in Coronado

CASA took over the famous chili cook-off last year and have decided to continue having it on a yearly basis.  Originally the cook-off started with a few friends getting together and voting on which chili won them over. Over the years it has grown. This year over 100 people showed up to the lobby of Alcazar, condominium on the Coronado Golf course. Tables and chairs were rented, set up and the crock pots plugged in.  Members paid $3, non member $5.  Everyone brought a plate to share as well as their own beverage.This year, there were 9 volunteer chefs.  The rules were simple, Chefs  were to make a large pot of chili (to feed a minimum of 100 people, 1 oz. portions). Tasters received a numbered tasting cup of each chili entered into the competition and a ballot to pick the one the though was best.  No names were attached to the samples thus making it anonymous.  Simple and efficient!Chefs were invited to ‘trash talk’ the competition and tell everyone why their chili should be chosen over the others, but they were not allowed to say which number they represented.  Some of the speeches were pretty funny! There are some serious chili cookers out here!

Everyone got to sample the 9 chilies as well as other starters and deserts that people brought.  109 votes were counted. The grand prize, $100.00 was donated by Playacommunity and was won by the team of Rene Schafer and Molly Black (Rene Schafer was last year's 1st place winner).  The 2nd prize of $50, went to the Salt and Pepper team,  (who also took last years 2nd prize) Ed Moyan and  Paul Manus.  The third prize of $25 was a tie between Ron Sequeira  and Guy Wolfe.

A good time was had by all.  A great opportunity to enjoy great food, have a few drinks, meet new friends and hang out with old ones.

CASA would like to thank everyone that participated both as Chefs as well as Judges .  Special mention to:  Playacommunity for donating the $100 first prize gift, John Heidemann for help with transportation, Tony Giordano for making arrangements for us to use Alcazar, Oliver Wolfefor the photos, and Sheila Scott and Linda Murdock for offering their  tables. This event is the hardest to organize and labor intensive (set up of space, etc)  and CASA wants to thank all the volunteers that helped make the evening a grand success.


Event photos by Oliver Wolfe Photography.