Fresh Langostinos in Coronado

As odd as it seems, fresh fish at the beaches is not as abundant as one would think. Apart from getting your own panga and fighting the ocean, the fishing co-ops in Gorgona and San Carlos are the best source for fish caught the same day. However you have to be there early as the co-ops have usually sold out by 9 am. Also co-op catches don’t make it to the local grocery stores. At the beaches, Super 99 and El Machetazo carry fish in their fresh foods counter, one can’t be sure they are caught the same day.


So, if you happen to see Jorge Gonzales standing on the corner of the El Rey parking lot, holding up langostinos to passing cars, stop and get yourself a few pounds of fresh shrimp for dinner. Jorge purchases the daily catch at the co-ops and makes it available to those of us who just can’t get up early enough. He sells out fast, so when you see him, don’t wait till your errands are done to make your purchase. While Jorge is usually at the El Rey parking lot on weekends, you can also find him in San Carlos and El Valle at times.