Don Winner at Playacommunity Mixer - DATE CHANGE

THE DATE FOR THIS MIXER HAS BEEN CHANGED TO THURSDAY MARCH 1, DUE TO CARNIVAL. Don Winner is probably the best known expat in Panama. He publishes a popular English language blog at, in which he translates items of interest from Spanish newspapers in Panama.

He has been doing it daily since 2005. Opinionated, investigative and often short off the cuff, he manages get into people’s business to an uncomfortable degree.

Love him or hate him, his site is an important source of information about what’s going on in Panama. His keen nose for trouble has been instrumental in bringing 4 killers to justice.

Don Winner will be speaking at and attending the Playacommunity Mixer on THURSDAY, MARCH 1 at Paraiso Restaurant and Bar in Las Uvas. 4 km up the road to El Valle. The event begins at 11 a.m. Buffet tickets will go on sale at 12 p.m for Rose’s famous $10 buffet. Come on out, meet your neighbors and get to know Don Winner a little better. Click here to  RSVP.