Coronado Area Social Association’s WINE and CHEESE FIESTA a Big Success! What a great time we all had at the first ‘CASA Wine and Cheese Fiesta’ on Friday, Oct. 14!  It was a very pleasant and relaxing event.   Even with the light rain close to 35 people enjoyed a dry and fun-filled time.  There were people there who were part of the very first CASA (then know as CSA), as well as some who just moved to Panama and joined CASA in the last few weeks.  CASA provided a delicious array of cheeses, breads, fruits, veggies and dips, and everyone brought at least one bottle of wine to share.  And what an assortment we had: reds, whites, rosés, sauvignon blancs, and more.  The majority of the wines were reportedly ‘very tasty’; only one of them received a definite ‘thumbs down’.  We all agreed that we would go without instead of buying that particular wine even though the bottle was attractive and the write-up on the label was inviting!   It turned out to be a wonderful evening of conversation, camaraderie, and laughter among our CASA friends.  Just take a look at the pictures! And plan to join us for more upcoming CASA events.

CASA (Coronado Area Social Association) was originally chartered as a ‘forum for members to meet and socialize with each other’.  Today, however, there is something going on in the Coronado area almost every morning, noon, and night.  Keeping in mind that CASA wants to continue to provide social activities for our members, the membership recently voted to no longer have monthly meetings but rather to communicate with members electronically and to organize regular social gatherings for members at events such as the Wine and Cheese party, morning coffee get-togethers, Holiday Dance, etc.  Meetings will be held quarterly, and business which needs to be conducted by the Association will be conducted via emails to all current members of CASA or by calling special meetings to discuss items which come before the Board of Directors.  It was also decided that CASA would provide, through its email database, information to its current members concerning upcoming events in which our members might want to participate and other items of interest which will in any way benefit our membership.

CASA Annual Arts and Crafts FAIR on Sunday, November 20


Again this year we will be holding the CASA Annual Arts and Crafts Fair.  Please note that it is on a SUNDAY this year and not on Saturday.  We already have great participation from vendors who have joined us in the past as well as new ones which will make it another exciting and profitable event.

Again, this year, CASA will be having a table with homemade baked goods, and all of the profits from the CASA Bake Table will go towards the Christmas Food Baskets which we provide for the families of disabled children in the San Carlos area on December 17.  CASA has actively and successfully supported this community service for a number of years, and we are looking for YOUR PARTICIPATION again this year!  And guess what!  You do not need to be a member of CASA to bake for us!  Please consider this opportunity to reach out to others in our communities.   Just let us know that you will be participating and what you will bring by emailing us at .

HOLIDAY DANCE on DECEMBER 17 at La Carreta, Coronado…..

Also, mark your calendars and plan to join us on December 17 at the HOLIDAY CELEBRATION and DANCE at La Carreta in Coronado.  CASA is planning a special dinner buffet and an evening to get together with your neighbors and celebrate the Holidays!  Watch for more information in the coming weeks!

And, don’t forget…..take a look at the photos from the “CASA Wine and Cheese Fiesta” below.