Spay the Strays Volunteers ROCK!!!!

Thanks to the hard work and dedication of our two vets (Dr. Alexis Escruceria and Dr. Jorge Velez), one vet tech (Jairo), several AG TECH students from the City, and our cadre of loyal volunteers, the Spay the Strays Group operated on 55 animals Sunday in San Jose! That's a new record for our smaller clinics. It's made possible because our team are such pros by now! They seem to enthusiastically embrace whatever task is needed. The agriculture students were also invaluable by pitching in with everything. As usual, our efforts were fueled by the delicious meals made by Kris of Stitch and Bitch (with the help of her visitors) and Barb's yummy baked goods! Luis Ibarra, our San Jose resident, helped by reserving the location and scheduling animals. As they say, "it takes a village".   For some great "ahhhhh" photos, check out the photo section below.  And have you "liked" the Spay the Strays Facebook page yet? That's a great way to keep up with all that's happening with our group!

Mary Rhodes, Sheila Scott, and Barb Schlottke.