From CSA to CASA…….The Journey….

  Coronado Social Association to Coronado AREA Social Association   “Now, let’s see…..what shall we do today / this evening???”  Ummm, what ARE the choices?   Today, in the greater Coronado area, the choices are almost endless.  There are a variety of restaurants for either dining in or taking out, some have music, some have dancing, some have theme parties, the Golf  Club has a number of organized activities, Coronado Bay has provided social activities, Spay the Strays arranges dances, the new Casino is right on the highway, and there are more things coming.  Certainly, now, no one should be complaining about a lack of things to do.     For most of us who have lived here in the Coronado area for only a few short years, it is impossible to remember the days before there were social activities available almost every night of the week.  However, believe it or not, back in the earlier days the few permanent residents here in Coronado were somewhat challenged to find something to do socially on a Saturday night…..or on any night for that matter.  

Out of this need for social activity was born the CORONADO SOCIAL ASSOCIATION, CSA for short!!  And over the years CSA has continued to be a focal point for providing opportunities to socialize and share activities throughout the greater Coronado area.  Its original Statement of Policy was dated April, 2007, and the Mission Statement, then and now, confirms that “CSA is a not for profit social association with a clear intention to provide a forum for members to meet and socialize with each other.”  
Once established, the CSA immediately began monthly meetings which gave its members the opportunity to come together, share ideas and arrange activities.  Soon after the inception, the monthly GAMES NIGHT began and met in the meeting room behind Rincon del Chef.  People brought their favorite games, shared with others, had a little liquid refreshment plus appetizers and snacks and just enjoyed a nice evening together.   As the Expat community continued to grow, the CSA activities increased and expanded into fundraising events to support the needs of the local Panamanians.  A group of CSA associated women began The School Uniform Project which provided needy children in surrounding communities with the uniforms to attend their local school.   What has become the Annual Arts and Crafts Fair was organized by a CSA member and started in 2008.  Proceeds from the CSA table at this event continue to be used to provide Christmas Baskets of food and special items for the families of disabled children in the San Carlos area.  Annual ‘formal’ dances were arranged and held at La Carreta in early December to celebrate the upcoming Holidays.  In January 2010, CSA held its first semi-annual ‘Beach Party’ at Costa Esmeralda which has become a much-anticipated social event.  The ‘Book Exchange’ has grown from 20 or 30 books to hundreds of books and was recently moved to El Litoral across from the Golf Club.  
As CSA has continued to grow it has also become a trusted source for disseminating useful information about the surrounding areas for local residents as well as for those people who are thinking about a move to Panama.  Although CSA and Playacommunity are not associated, CSA has enjoyed a working relationship with Playacommunity, and Playacommunity has willingly provided a space on their website for CSA information.  If you haven’t taken a look at it recently, just go to , click on Groups on the left side and click on Coronado Social Association.
Things are changing around us.  As we all know, the ‘Beach Area’ is now expanded well beyond Coronado’s borders.  Although originally most of the members of CSA were from Coronado, we find that the 100+ CSA members this year are coming not only from Coronado but from areas all around us….. Altos del Maria, Bejuco, Chame, Gorgona, Punta Barco, San Carlos, Rio Mar, Santa Clara and beyond.   Along with the growth of CSA came the suggestion that a name change was in order to indicate that the organization is not restricted to Coronado residents.  One of the first orders of business for the new board in February was to focus on changing the name, and they went to the membership for suggestions.  Many great ideas came forward (some people are extremely creative!), they were reduced to 6 possibilities, and the vote was put to all the present members via email.  Thanks to all of you who participated we now have a new name:  Coronado AREA Social Association (CASA).  It was a winner by a mile, not too much different than Coronado Social Association, and it establishes our identity as a social association in the ever-expanding Coronado area.
2011 has started out to be another fun-filled year with lots of activities!! 
The Annual Chili Cook-Off, a CASA sponsored event, was well attended in February and brought out ‘the best of the best’ Chili Chefs.  Although not intended as a fundraiser, the group did realize a small profit which was evenly divided between a donation to Spay the Strays and a donation to Finca la Maya.
Winners Casino , located in the new Village Center, hosted CASA members on a Friday afternoon in April, appropriately, April Fool’s Day…CSA has a fun day at the local casino .  real bonus:  there were some big winners!!
Presidential Palace Tour and much more, is coming up on Tuesday, May 10, and includes a guided tour of  the Presidential Palace, plus visits to the canal museum in Casco Viego, Iglesia San José, National Theatre, las Bovedas Monument, and much more.  (This event was open first to present members and filled up very quickly.)
Annual ‘Winter’ Beach Party is coming up the afternoon of Wednesday, June 8, at Costa Esmeralda.  Everyone is invited, member or non-member, so continue to check for information and to RSVP for this event.
Annual Arts and Crafts Fair is coming up in November so mark your calendars for that.
CASA is always looking for new ideas for activities for our members, and as a member, your voice will be heard.  (You might even be asked to help organize the event!)   CASA meets the first Wednesday of each month, 10:00 AM, in the meeting room behind Rincon del Chef, and EVERYONE is welcomed.  You do not need to be an Expat to become a member and to enjoy the activities and programs provided by CASA.  The yearly membership is a real bargain at only $5.00 per person and will provide you with advance notice of upcoming local and CASA events via email, first notice for events which have a limited attendance capacity (such as the Presidential Palace Tour), a reduced rate for some of the events for which there is a charge, participation in our ‘Let’s Keep In Touch’ list which shares contact information for the members who have consented to be on the list, and much, much more!  Best of all, you have the opportunity to socialize with and get to know the people in your extended community.  
Again, we’re looking forward to seeing you at the CASA ‘Winter’ Beach Party on June 8 so remember, watch for upcoming information.   If you would like additional information or want to join CASA, just email us a