CSA has a fun day at the local casino

Coronado Social Association is interested in having social activities that will bring the community together while having fun. A new casino opened in Coronado. It is located in the new Village Center and is called Winner’s. The casino has about 100 penny slot machines. The organizers contacted the Casino and together they arranged for an April First Madness Afternoon. The group met from 2:00 to 4:00. The Casino very graciously provided each participant a $3 voucher, snacks and free drinks while playing.

A fun day was had by all, many went home with a little more cash than when they came in. So all in all a pretty good afternoon of fun and socializing!

Join CSA which is open to the areas surrounding Coronado, from Altos, Capira to Playa Blanca. Everyone is welcomed. Yearly dues are $5.