Playacommunity Mixer Mar 23 at Rincon del Chef

party1PLAYACOMMUNITY MIXER will be held at Rincon del Chef on Wednesday, March 23rd. The Mixer is a great way to catch up with old friends and make new ones. We always have things to give away at the Mixer. For those of you who are up for having some fun, we are planning a game of Pictionary. Don't worry you don't have to play if you don't want to. However if you do, you will win something for your efforts. We will ask for a few brave volunteers. The Mixer will begin at 5pm. The evening's menu is posted in the calendar, so you can choose your meal and budget ahead of time. Also, we request an RSVP if you are going to attend. This really helps the restaurant prepare for the event. So please fill in the form and let us know: Click here for RSVP & MENU.