Former Bolivian anti-drug chief shipped from Panama to US on trafficking charges

(PanamaNewsRoom) A former head of Bolivia’s anti drug program who arrived in Panama on Thursday, has been shipped to the United State to face drug trafficking charges.

Police General René Sanabria, former Commander of President Evo Morales' anti drug force, was in

Panama to arrange fresh drug shipments to the U.S. following a shipment of 144 kilos of cocaine in November says a report from La Paz issued by Bolivia’s Minister of the Interior) Sacha Llorenti.

Llorenti told a press conference that Sanabria is in Miami with his alleged accomplice, John Foronda Marcelo Steel.

Sanabria was head of the Special Force against Drug Trafficking (FELCN) between 2007 and 2009 and during his term, President Morales expelled agentsof the U.S. Drug Enforcement Department (DEA). Sanabria was currently an adviser to the Ministryof Government intelligence.

Llorenti said his country "does not rule out" seeking the extradition of Sanabria and on Monday he will receive information about the judicial process initiated in theUnited States.


Original Source: PanamaNewsRoom

Date Retrieved: February 27, 2011