Security chief in drug war talks with Mexico

(PanamaNewsRoom) Panama’s Security Minister, José Raúl Mulino, left for Mexico Monday, January 31 to talk about security issues and the war on drugs.

During his stay in Mexico, Mulino is scheduled to meet with Secretary of Public Security, Genaro García Luna; Secretary of the Navy, Francisco Saynez; and Maj. Gen. Carlos Demetrio Gaytán, Undersecretary of Defense.

He is also scheduled to meet with José Francisco Blake, Secretary of the Interior; and Guillermo Valdés, Director of the Center for Investigation and National Security (CISEN).

Mulino's meetings, says a source in his office, is  seek to strengthen ties of cooperation in the fight against international drug traffickers who use Panama as a transit point. He wants to make important connections for fast and accurate intelligence against organized crime.
Last year, Mulino held high-level meetings on issues of regional and border security with officials from Colombia, and last week with officials in Costa Rica.

Original source: PanamaNewsRoom
Date Retrieved: January 31, 2011.