An end to water wasting during carnival and it’s now safe to drink

(PanamaNewsRoom) Panama’s in all areas is now safe to drink says the Ministry of Health after a crisis that extended over 50 days.

Meanwhile the Minister of Health, Franklin Vergara has put the cap on the notorious water wasting “mojaderas,” during the upcoming carnival when often drunken revelers are hosed down with water.

"Water is for consumption, food, and personal hygiene," said Vergara.
It puts him in conflict with the tourism czar Salomon Shamah, who earlier in the crisis had stated that the mojaderas would go.

On TVN news Vergara said that a decree has been put into force to prevent water wastage and it will be applied rigorously during the dry season, “particularly during the carnival."


Original Source:
Date Retrieved: January 27, 2011.