Weather puts hydro electric plant in critical state

alt( The situation at the Bayano hydro electric plant east of Panama is "critical", with never before experienced levels in the river.

A national energy sector emergency committee, composed of the National Authority of Public Services (ASEP), the SA Electricity Transmission Company (Etesa) and the Department of Energy reports that the levels are because of "The severe weather situation affecting Central America and parts of South America.

Authorities warned that the river is accumulating 8 billion cubic meters per second, a situation which could be reducing by Friday afternoon.
The committee said that the hydroelectric plant generates about 10% of the country's electricity supply and Etesa remains "vigilant" to ensure continuous service if the plant is forced to suspend operations.

The Bayano River is east of Panama, in the Chepo and Madugandí Indian Comarca.

It is the third longest river in the country and covers some 206 km, rising in the San Blas Cordillera and emptying into the Gulf of Panama.


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Date Retrieved: December 9, 2010.