Wikileaks revelations include Panama and Latin America

alt( The role of the U.S. State Department in Latin America, particularly Panama. has not been missed out in the Wikileaks documents that are being released to major news organizations around the world.

Among the documents set to appear in coming weeks are communications between the former U.S. Embassy on Avenida Balboa about  Panamanian dictator Manuel Antonio Noriega, and events leading up to the American invasion in 1989.
The documents, many classified as top secret may also throw a spotlight on the role played by local politicians in the events that led up to Noriega’s capture, and subsequent trial and imprisonment in the United States.
European media reports say the historical records related to Panama will be released in the near future. They allegedly reveal the efforts by American diplomats to force the dictator from office prior to the invasion.
Much of it will not come as a surprise to local historians, and will bolster their accounts of behind the scenes machinations, but some politicians may not welcome possible revelations.
There are also documents related to the recent ousting of Manuel Zelaya of Honduras and others that expose efforts to isolate Venezuela President Hugo Chavez and a request for information on the mental health of Argentina President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. 
Original Source:
Date Retrieved: November 29, 2010.