Scramble to find manager for Metro Bus system

alt( With new Metro buses scheduled to go into service on the Corridor Sur on December 18, the government is scrambling to get a company to manage the system.

November 30 has been set as the deadline for new bids  after previous offers were scrapped because Panama's Transportation Authority (ATTT) did not list all the necessary elements to ensure proper operation of the system. 
The previous tender was canceled Oct. 25, after four companies had submitted bids. The ATTT went away to rethink the terms and conditions of the contract.
Minister of the Presidency, Demetrio Papadimitriu, put a slightly different twist on the cancelation saying he canceled the tender because companies submitted inconsistent bids.
Under the original terms of reference, the contract was for 15 years. The new proposal calls for five years.
The financial operator of the system will be responsible for managing the user fees and payment to the concessionaire, the consortium Transporte Masivo de Panamá.
It was originally envisaged that user payment would be by, rechargeable cards. Until the card system is in place, cash will rule.
Original Source:
Date Retrieved: November 15, 2010.