93 drunk drivers off the road for three months

alt(Newsroompanama.com) Nearly 100 licensed drivers will be off the roads in Panama for the next three months after being booked for impaired driving during the national holiday festivities.

Up until Saturday evening 136 vehicles were taken out of circulation for various traffic offenses. 93 of them for driving under the influence of alcohol.

Vehicles have also been impounded for failure to pay previous fines, driving without a license, To get their cars back, they will have to pay a fine.  A total of 933 tickets were handed out for traffic offenses including 300 for speeding.

Transit officials reported 238 accidents prior to Sunday (November 7)

Surveillance today was beefed up along the Pan-American highway on Sunday as an estimated 80,000 vehicles began to return Panama city.


Original Source: Newsroompanama.com

Date Retrieved: November 7, 2010.