Traffic authority rakes in $400,000 as fines moratorium ends

alt( If you were not one of the thousands who lined up to pay overdue traffic fines on Monday, you could be in for a shock if you are pulled over or pass through a Pele Police check.

Your license could be suspended and at best you could face a big increase in your fine or fines.
The national transportauthority (ATTT) raised an estimated $400,000 during the final days of the moratorium period for delinquent ticket payments which could be made without penalty.
Monday Nov. 2, marked the last day of the moratorium, and long lines were forming outside the ATTT facilities long before the mdoors opened at 9 a.m.
ATTT Director, Jorge Ricardo Fábrega, said: "There will be no extensions to extend the moratorium.” Citizens had been given 90 days to settle their debts.
Original Source:
Date Retrieved: November 4, 2010.