Panama Paying Washington Lobbyist $30,000 Per Month

alt(Panama-Guide) - La Prensa - Although Panama's president Ricardo Martinelli appeared in two unflattering articles published in the past five days by major media outlets in the United States - Time Magazine and The Wall Street Journal - the government of Panama continues to pay $30,000 dollars per month to American public relations specialist Terry Holt of the company HDMK, for his advice on relations with the US news media in order to obtain a good international image for the country. Last March, the Minister of the Presidency, Demetrio Papadimitriu, told this newspaper (La Prensa) that through this contract the government would be spending $15,000 per month. However, documents released by Holt to the US government indicate the contract between his company and the government of Panama is double that - for $30,000 per month.

Yesterday, after Time magazine hinted Martinelli is played the role of a "strong man" - a term applied to the former military dictator Manuel Antonio Noriega, and The Wall Street Journal called Martinelli an "autocrat" - Martinelli said sarcastically he is "happy and content to have been mentioned internationally." Martinelli president played down the publications, saying news writers "have never spoken well of me."


Original Source: Panama-Guide

Date Retrieved: October 28, 2010.