Join the beach cleanup in Coronado and San Carlos!

Panama is a beautiful country, except for the garbage. We all complain about it. How much there is and how it never seems to get picked up. But is anything being done about it. Actually yes, there is. Ricardo Wong D. who  is with the Fundación para la Protección del Mar or PROMAR  is committed to cleaning up Panama's beaches. This year local beaches from Gorgona to San Carlos will be cleaned up over the next few Sundays. Coronado is scheduled to be cleaned on Sunday September 26 by the Union de Triatlón de Panamá. If you wish to participate you can contact Ana Judith Fung (email: (cel:66153919) The triathalon itself will be going on this morning also, beginning at 7am and the group is planning on cleaning the beach at the same time. In order to prepare for the event they would like to know how many people plan on participating so that they will have enough gloves, bags and pencils for everyone as what is picked up is recorded for a later report. Please call Ana if you plan on attending.

beach-resortThe beach at San Carlos is also being cleaned on Sunday September 26, 2010. This cleanup is being organized by Karen Almanz who is a member of the Rotaract Club of Panama. The area known as “The Cove” is where the cleaning will be done. The plan is to meet at the bakery in the village of San Carlos around 8:45am so they can organize and then walk along the beach after the tourist center to the river near the cemetary. For further information contact Karen  Almanz ( (cel:67333469).

The environment should be a concern for all of us. If you are looking for something to do on Sunday September 26, think about helping to clean up a local beach, you'll be glad you did.