Local Running Group - Up to the challenge!!

When most of us come to Panama, we dream of long, relaxing hours around the pool with a cool drink and a good book. Or, we envision long, leisurely walks on a peaceful, sandy beach listening to the surf.  We may even long for that round of golf with some new friends.   It’s all about peace and quiet and slowing down.  Well, at least that is the way it is for most of us!!  However, believe it or not, that is not what everyone is looking for!  There is an ambitious and dedicated group among us here in our beach community for whom life has done everything but slow down! In fact, for them it is now literally running at a neck-breaking pace!  And they love it!



As you have been driving along the streets of Coronado in the comfort of your air-conditioned car, you have probably seen some or all of these very enthusiastic, running expats and wondered why in the world would anyone voluntarily go out and run in Panama.  For each of them, it is all about an active lifestyle and healthy choices!   They are very busy group, and their lives have definitely taken a change for the better!!

Still looking for that unique name, this accomplished group of runners is cheerfully led and encouraged by Karyn Saunders.  Karyn, an avid runner for the last 6+ years, made her home in Canada before moving to Panama.  When her mother passed away of cancer in October of 2004, Karen decided it was time for her to quit smoking and to begin making some changes in her own life.  Health and wellness became her focus so she started running.  By getting active again, she began to feel more alive.  Running also was something she felt would help her through the withdrawals of stopping smoking, so she joined a running group to help her stay on track.  Karyn prefers individual sports such as golfing, surfing and swimming which are all about personal bests.  Running allows her to be able to do it anytime, anywhere. And the real bonus is that she loves how she feels afterwards.

After moving to Panama, Karyn continued running by herself; but, as the time went on, friends began to join her.  Last year she trained alone and ran on her own in a half marathon here in Panama City.  Even though it was hard, very hard, she wanted to do it again this year; however, she didn't really want to do it alone this time!  Facebook to the rescue!  She posted that she was looking for a few friends within the beach community to run with her, and voila, they appeared!  The determined group began training in April of this year, and not one of them has looked back since!  The running group now consists of seven people, five women and two men, ranging in age from 40 to 62.   These are not experienced runners.  These are individuals who are focused on an active lifestyle and self-improvement.  For some of them, it was truly a leap of faith as they had never even imagined themselves running. Only three of the seven had ever run in a formal race before; and, on top of that, only three members had ever made it past running 5km!! This ‘training’ and any upcoming races were going to be a test of each individual’s commitment, faith and determination.

And there have been many successes, both as a group and as individuals.  The entire group ran an 8km race together in June, and five of them ran a 21km half marathon on August 1 in Panama City.  Karyn says that it has been so much fun, especially at the races themselves. “There is nothing like having a friend at the finish line with you,” she says.  And to add the icing to the cake, so to speak, after the race they do breakfast in style which has become the highlight of the Sunday race days.   Karyn is proud of the group and quickly points out, “Every member of the group has been equally instrumental in getting us all to the finish line, and for that I want to thank you all. “

Although it sounds like it is all fun, the group does have a training schedule they follow weekly.  They all try to get out and run at least three times a week.  For most of them, it's more often four or five times a week.  Goals are set by each team member, individually, based on where they are physically. On December 5th of this year, Karyn and her friend, Kaye Ashbridge, are planning on completing a full 42.2km marathon. By that time, the rest of the group will have all successfully completed half marathons, so Karyn is still encouraging other team members to join her and Kay in December in Panama City.

Karyn says there are literally tons of races to run in here in Panama, one to two a week.  Most are in the city, but there are a few in areas like El Valle, and there is one coming up in Gamboa. And, if you are interested in learning more about what is available for watching or participating, just go to http://marathonpanama.com/IRR10/Calendario.html.  All of the events are extremely well organized, runners’ times are tracked, and there is plenty of water and encouragement along the route.  And the participation at the races has been very good.  At the last four races she ran, there were between 150 and 500 runners.

When asked what achievement she is most proud of for both herself and the members of her group, Karyn says, “The ability or the determination to get up in the morning and run a kilometer, in my mind, is an achievement in itself.  There are many people who will never even try!” She comments on fellow runner, Dolores, who never thought she would be able to run 2kms, and yet Delores finished an 8km race with the group before heading back to Canada in June. “Her determination, her passion and the fact that she is still running up in Canada and is training towards the half marathon makes me smile and giggle.”  Sarah, another Canadian member, never thought she would ever be able to make it more than 5km and she is now running 16+kms and keeping up with it, as well, while she is back in Canada. Karyn is the most proud of her group for putting aside time on a regular basis to put on their running shoes and get out in the heat and sweat and train. Their single best achievement is the work they have done to get to their goals, and she thanks her friends for helping to motivate her as well.

So if you are now inspired and ready to get out of your air-conditioned car and start running, Karyn suggests that you just get on your running shoes and get up and go!   Start slow, run 1 minute, walk 1 minute and continue from there.  You will be amazed at how quickly you will be running kilometers. “Don't forget to listen to what your body is telling you though,” she says.  “Enjoy the sweat dripping off your face and replace those fluids frequently. Like any new sport we want to take up, the toughest part is getting off that couch, or, here in Panama, the lounge chair, and putting on your shoes.”  Karyn enthuses. “If you can get past that, then you are off to the races.  You will love yourself for it!!”

(Karyn Saunders is currently training for the Coronado Triathlon in late September. Be sure to come and cheer her on!!)