Laura Michelle Reese Breaks Her Silence And Speaks to Prosecutors

newsnviews2(Panama-Guide) - La Prensa -  A month and a half after being arrested in Nicaragua and then extradited to Panama, Laura Michelle Reese, the partner of the confessed serial killer William Dathan Holbert, broke her silence and spoke for the first time (made an official declaration) before the Deputy Attorney General, but only to deny any links to the crimes with which she is charged. According to Deputy Attorney General Angel Calderon, Reese made a declaration last week in one of the three cases pending against her. The other two cases are currently before the Supreme Court because her lawyers presented two separate requests for habeas corpus.

In her statement Laura Michelle Reese said that she didn't know anything about what her partner, better known as "Wild Bill", was doing.

The woman, who made her statement in English and who required the support of an official translator, again insisted Holbert was acting on his own, and therefore she didn't know anything about what he was doing. However, she didn't know how to justify the origin of her properties nor the origins of some of the jewelry she was wearing when she was arrested, which has been proven to belong to the victims. According to the prosecutor, surely they will require her to expand on her preliminary statement, because there are still many questions pending regarding her involvement in five murders confessed by Holbert thus far.

On the other hand, Calderon said today they expect Costa Rican authorities will hand over to Panama a number of items left behind by Holbert in his attempt to escape, among these three laptop computers, a firearm, a safe, and many documents. Meanwhile, the director of the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, Humberto Mas, reported that in the first days of this week the results of DNA testing should be ready, conducted on the remains of Mike Brown (Michael Francis Salem) with a sample provided by his daughter.


Original Source:
Date Retrieved: September 13, 2010.