Only two bids on Line 1 of Panama Metro

( Only two consortia submitted bids on Monday (August 30) for the construction of the Panama Metro subway line, but an official ceremony was held in the amphitheater of the Presidency for suppliers to deliver their sealed envelopes containing  offers. The envelopes will sent to the vault of the National Bank of Panama in Balboa. They will stay there awaiting another ceremony to open them.

A third consortium which included Mitsubushi, makers of trains for some of the world’s most efficient train services, withdrew.

The bidders were Consorcio Línea Uno, composed of FCC Construction and Norberto Odebrecht, and Alstom trains; and the Grupo Italiano Metro Panama, consisting of Impregilo, Astaldi, and Ghella, along with Ansaldo Breda trains.


Original Source:
Date Retrieved: September 1, 2010.